Anxiety is a natural feeling that everyone experiences at times. Anxiety is what we feel when the body reacts to stress or danger. Everyday things can cause anxiety e.g. giving a presentation in class. Usually, the feeling passes and it’s possible to carry on with life.
The ‘Fight or Flight’ response happens when we feel in danger. The amygdala, the part of the brain that helps a person to think clearly, to think and to solve problems, switches off. It is more difficult then to manage emotions.
How does anxiety feel in the body? Here are some of the effects……
- Feeling dizzy.
- Legs feel like jelly.
- Churning stomach/butterflies.
- Feeling sick.
- Feeling hot and sweaty (or very cold).
Here is a clip that explains this really well:
So, anxiety is a natural reaction and is really common. But, if anxiety continues for a long period of time and affects someone’s life and stops them from enjoying life and taking part in activities, it’s really important that they talk with someone about it. It’s possible to learn strategies which help to manage anxiety. This helps a person face situations they usually find difficult and challenging and, in turn, live a full and happy life.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a really good way of learning how to deal with anxiety. In school, we have sessions available for anyone experiencing anxiety where coping strategies can be learnt. The Head of Year can arrange for someone to take part in these sessions.
During every school holiday, the Child and Adolescent Health Services (CAMHS) run virtual workshops on a number of subjects including managing anxiety. Details are sent out via Classcharts plus there are posters displayed around the school site. Just scan the QR code to enrol.
Support from the School Based Counsellor can really help too. Young people who have had sessions with the counsellor say that having support from them has made a difference. Again, the Head of Year can arrange counselling or any young person in school can self-refer using a simple form. There are forms in the wellbeing room and also dotted around school.
Our school nurse can provide support and advice to any young person experiencing anxiety. The Head of Year can arrange this support with the school nurse or a young person can do this themself by asking a member of staff in the main office to pop their name in the nurse’s book. This can be done quietly and discreetly without anyone else knowing. There is also a school nursing helpline number for the service – 07312 263 262.
Melo.Cymru offers help, advice and support on their website as well as virtual sessions for those who prefer to access help outside of school:
Using the breath (or breathwork) is an effective way to manage anxiety and something that can be done quietly without others being aware. This makes it an ideal strategy to use, for example, before an exam. The following clip explains the science behind why using the breath works:
Here is a clip explaining how to use square breathing or box breathing:
Using a grounding exercise is another really good way to manage anxiety and, again, it’s possible to do this without anyone else being aware. This clip explains a little:
Using Mindfulness regularly is a proven method of managing anxiety over time. Watch the following clips as a starting point:
Some people prefer to use apps. This page has a number of recommended ones:
And here are some really useful websites for young people with information about anxiety:
Young Minds
Mental Health Foundation
Help outside of school
The Mix